Thanksgiving for Two

27 Nov

I am ready to call this holiday quits.  You could say, “You’re being a turkey day grinch,” and I could say back, “Nay, I’m not.”  So what if I’d rather not celebrate a day of hypocrisy and debauchery.  Every year since I left home and became an actual adult, I get pulled into a day of cooking bedlam to celebrate a holiday that may not have been rooted in goodwill.

This year, we chose to spend the holiday by ourselves in our first home.  My Mom suggested that The Hubby and I have a candlelit dinner for two.  We had something close enough… an under-the-overhead-lights dinner for two.  The Hubby and I had a friendly discussion over the true meaning of Thanksgiving while in the middle of slaving over a stove with three pots whistling for attention and an oven housing a bird that was pampered and massaged moments before being roasted.  The conclusion of our conversation was that we’ll give our own meaning to Thanksgiving.  And that I’ll continue to go along with the hoopla… until further notice.

Don’t get me wrong.  Just because I have an issue with gobble gobble day doesn’t mean that I’m ungrateful.  On the contrary, I’m very good and quick with giving my thanks.  Let me begin by saying how thankful I am for my marvelous Hubby and a wonderful circle of family, friends, and family friends.

With my roaring done, I’ll sweetly carry on and share two dishes that I was truly proud of: the dinner rolls I made and the apple pie The Hubby made.  For me, the turkey wasn’t the star of the holiday dinner show.  I did have two stars, however, and they have been mentioned.  Why do I laud them?  By the simple fact that they’re humble dishes and provided more satisfaction making and eating.

What of the turkey, you ask.  Here it is.  The smallest turkey that The Hubby could find in Whole Foods Redmond.  A 16-pounder.

To all the women and men out there who pulled out all the stops on turkey day, hip-hip to all of us.  Christmas and New Year are around the corner, let’s get our game faces on.

4 Responses to “Thanksgiving for Two”

  1. ryancr 6, December 2011 at 1:03 pm #

    You might say the turkey wasn’t the star, but I’ll never forget eating that turkey leg. The turkey, the preparation/marination, and the cooking, all lined up for a combo nom multiplier. That and I finally got to eat a turkey leg after first seeing them eaten at a Ren. Faire ages ago.

    • Michelle 6, December 2011 at 4:03 pm #

      The turkey wasn’t the star for moi. Moi. 😛 I’m glad you were able to play out your turkey leg eating fantasy this Thanksgivings.

      • ryancr 6, December 2011 at 7:00 pm #

        I was just remarking that the turkey came out very well. And same goes for all the other dishes that didn’t get much of a mention. =)


  1. A Thanksgiving Story « Chronic Cravings - 25, November 2012

    […] One week plus away from Thanksgiving, I was chatting on the phone with a girlfriend, whom I dotingly call “Meet” (because she reminds me of ”Geet“ a character played by my fave Bollywood actress), to set up a get-together when we got into the topic of turkey day.  Maybe it’s the spirits of Thanksgiving past, present, and future that got to me but I unexpectedly invited our family friends to join us for a meal that I’ve been promising myself all year not to cook.  My initial reaction was one of dread and I wondered what I got myself into; but Meet’s excitement was contagious and within three days of Thanksgiving, I found myself looking forward to the meal… the opposite of how I felt last year. […]

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